Evolution with time!

That was the time we were born..
Surrounded with precious bond!

Enjoying the sin-free lives..
We were making our good vibes!

Affection and love was everywhere..
We were smiling without any fear!

Then a time came..
Toddlers life became our aim!

We entered to a school..
Having loads of people and big huge rooms!

Scared, frightened and confused..
Our mind started to fuse!

With each year passing by..
We seeked not to cry!

Making friends and fellows bright..
We never took our friendship light!

People come and they go..
It was now our time to let it flow!

We used to chase that white moon..
School days were going to end up soon!

From crying for not entering the school..
We wiped our tears for not leaving our room!

That chalk that duster that Classroom..
It all ended up making us groom!

Once hesitating from shaking hands..
We were not ready to leave our friends!

Leaving all those days behind..
We stepped up in order to shine!

Let's ponder and unfold the hidden clues..
In which direction life will blew!

That's how we evolve with time..
Moving forward towards divine!


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